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Trademark Information
Bitlogix and NetControl are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bitlogix Corporation and/or its affiliates in the United States and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Bitlogix's trademarks and service marks ("Bitlogix trademarks") are valuable assets that Bitlogix needs to protect. We ask that you help us by properly using and crediting Bitlogix trademarks in accordance with these guidelines. For information about proper use of Bitlogix logos, logotypes, signatures, and design marks, please review the Third Party Usage Guidelines for Bitlogix Logos.
Permissible Use
You may generally use Bitlogix trademarks to refer to the associated Bitlogix products or services.
Relationship of Products or Services
You may indicate the relationship of your products or services to Bitlogix products or services by using accurate, and descriptive tag lines.
Prohibited Use
You may not use Bitlogix trademarks in a manner which could cause confusion as to Bitlogix sponsorship, affiliation or endorsement. Take particular care not to use Bitlogix marks as set out below.
Company, Product or Service Names
Do not use Bitlogix trademarks or potentially confusing variations as all or part of your company, product or service names.
For more information regarding use of Bitlogix logos, please review the Third Party Usage Guidelines for Bitlogix Logos.
Trade Dress
You must not imitate Bitlogix trade dress, type style or logos. For instance, do not copy Bitlogix packaging for use with your product or display your product name in the distinctive logotype associated with the Bitlogix logo.
Domain Names
Do not use Bitlogix trademarks or potentially confusing variations in your Internet domain name. This helps prevent Internet users from being confused as to whether you or Bitlogix is the source of the Web site.
Correct Use
Proper use of Bitlogix trademarks reinforces their role as brands for our products and services. By adhering to the following rules, you help protect Bitlogix's investment in its trademarks.
Use a Generic Term
Use a generic term in association with each Bitlogix trademark the first time the mark appears in text, and as often as possible after that. You need not include generic names in headlines, package titles and documentation titles. For example, "Bitlogix software", "Bitlogix Cybersecurity services", and "Bitlogix network management technologies."
Trademark Symbols and Credit Lines
Proper trademark attribution through trademark symbols and credit lines helps makes the public aware of our trademarks, and helps prevent them from becoming generic terms. Credit lines also help clarify that they belong to Bitlogix. Accordingly, Bitlogix would appreciate you attributing ownership of Bitlogix trademarks to Bitlogix LLC by using trademark symbols (™ or ℠ or ®) and credit lines as detailed below.
Trademark Symbols
Use the ® symbol with the most prominent appearance of the "Bitlogix" mark on products, packaging, manuals, advertisements, promotional materials and Web pages (for example, in the headline of an advertisement), and the first use of the mark in text or body copy. This includes situations where "Bitlogix" is a part of a product or service name (for example, Bitlogix® NetControl, Bitlogix® Networking Partner). You do not need to use trademark symbols with other Bitlogix trademarks.
Credit Line
All products, packaging, manuals, advertisements, promotional materials and Web pages bearing Bitlogix trademarks should include the following trademark credit line.
"Bitlogix and NetControl are registered trademarks of Bitlogix and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners."
"Bitlogix" As a Trade Name
Trade names are the actual business names of companies. Trademarks and trade names are not the same, even though many companies use their trade names as trademarks. If you are using "Bitlogix" as a substitute for Bitlogix LLC, you are using it as a trade name. Because they are nouns, trade names can be used in the possessive and do not require a generic term or a trademark symbol. Thus, you should not use a ® after "Bitlogix" when it appears as part of the full company name or as a trade name.
Company Name: This software was developed by Bitlogix.
Trade Name: This software was developed by Bitlogix.
Trade Name: Bitlogix's latest software developments are great.
Trademark: The Bitlogix® IoT network management platform leads the industry.
If you have any questions regarding Bitlogix trademarks, please contact the Bitlogix Legal Department.